FHE Crew Boosters

How We Stay Afloat

The FHE Crew Boosters is a 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit organization formed to serve our student athletes, coaches, and parents. This dedicated group of individuals is crucial to helping our team be successful. Contact us at FHEasterncrew@gmail.com

2024-2025 FHE Crew Board

Jennifer VanderBoon (Ava’s mom)
Vice President
Lara Kitts (Remi’s mom)
Vas Christopoulos (Maria’s mom)

Rebecca Andrusiak (Natalie’s mom)

We always need helping hands….

Volunteers needed

All are Welcome!

FHE Crew

We’ve all been there, signed up our kid for a sport or club and have no idea what they are doing or what is planned-we want to help, but sometimes it feels like everything is already put together and we will just be in the way. Please hear us when we say…..YOU WILL NOT BE IN THE WAY! We NEED help from every willing parent to make this a great experience for our kids. There is SO much to help with, that you can be as involved as you wish. We especially need parents who can help with Fundraising, Social Media, Finance, Organization, Setting up at Regattas, and more. Parents are even the ones who drive the trailer of boats and pick up the rental truck from school transportation to bring our supplies trailer to every regatta (about 6). Many of us on the Board will have Seniors next year and will be leaving. We are hoping to find some parents who would like to continue supporting this team so our coach can focus on the important stuff…coaching and recruiting! It would be ideal if you would be willing to “shadow” the person whose job you are interested in this year, so you can take over when they leave. Helping with crew is really fun and the parent friendships are amazing.

Even if you know nothing about rowing, we can teach you!